Adult Ministries

Albright has a long history of a strong adult Sunday School program. New members are welcome at any time!

  • Journey of Hope - meets in room 207
  • Open Door - meets in room 209
  • Homemakers / Earnest Seekers Class - meets in room 203

Other studies offered from time to time.  Check with the church office if interested:

  • Women's Bible Study (a short-term study which meets a couple of times a year)
  • seasonal studies during Advent and Lent
  • Disciple Bible Study (a 34 week overview of the entire Bible)
  • United Methodist studies (offered at various times)

We offer many activities for adults:

  • Quilters - meet on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. and share a meal together at noon
  • Women's Game Days - meet on the first Tuesday of each month rotating among the United Methodist Churches in Ponca City

In addition, many of our members are involved in the local Senior Citizen's Center. 



The Sanctuary Choir practices on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

The Bell Choir practices on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.

Please contact Pat Purkey for more information about our music ministries.