Weekly Announcements
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    All Saints Day & UWF Sunday is this Sunday, November 3rd – guest speaker is Stacey Ninness

    Oklahoma native Stacey Ninness has served as President and CEO of Neighborhood Services Organization (NSO) since 2005. NSO is an Oklahoma City-based nonprofit founded in 1920, by Methodist Women, and is Oklahoma’s only National Mission Institution. In 2020, the organization celebrated a Century of Service. Born and raised in Shawnee, Stacey is a graduate of East Central University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Counseling, with a specialization in Rehabilitation and a minor in Sociology. Since Ninness took the helm at NSO, the organization has grown exponentially in terms of people served, operating budget and public recognition. Because of her vision and the hard work of her staff and board, NSO has gone from a small but noble nonprofit struggling to help a few people, to a large human services agency providing more than 247,000 units of service to vulnerable Oklahomans in 2022. NSO regularly takes the lead in tackling the community’s most pressing problems. This was especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic. NSO’s doors never closed while many NSO programs grew their capacity to meet urgent community needs.”


    Coffee w/ the Pastor Tuesday, November 5th @ The Perk!


    AUWF meet on Tuesday, November 5th @ 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.


    Choir & Bell Rehearsal Wednesdays, Choir 6:00-6:45pm & Bells 7:00–7:45 pm


    Pot Luck lunch with St. Paul’s @ Albright UMC on Sunday, November 17th  after St. Paul’s 11:00 am service.


    Waiting for YOU - Albright United Women in Faith Take 'n Bake Hot Chicken Salad.

    Large - $30       Medium -$20      Small - $10

    Contact Katie at 580-761-7591 OR Kathy at 580-762-9235 for pick-up.

    We thank you for your support of women, children and youth.


    Office will be closed on Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving


    We encourage you to use the resources provided for you each week on our Church Facebook and Web site for your spiritual enrichment. A Pastor will be available for counsel if you want to talk, e-mail, or call for an appointment. at albrightumc@hotmail.com or 580 765 6432.

    Facebook: facebook.com/albrightumcpc